Thank You, Past Me

Sabi Dhillon
5 min readDec 1, 2020

If you saw yourself 6 months ago, would you be grateful for who you became?

Photo By: Kyle Lemburg

If I were to meet the woman I was at the beginning of this year, I would wrap her in my arms like a soft blanket of warmth and tell her, “I want you to know, that whatever happens this year- it will lead to your greatest growth. You’ll be terrified and want to give up, but you will be okay and you’ll be so proud you kept going.”

When this year began, I was only consumed with the fact that I had a complicated love life. My 2 and a half year relationship with someone I held so close to me was ending, and the love story with a man I had known for 4 years was just beginning. In March, the world would come to an absolute standstill. We were faced with the anxiety and fear of losing those we love to a silent and invisible captor. We had to isolate ourselves into glass boxes, putting those we care about most at arms length, for their own good.

Photo by Christopher Windus on Unsplash

Amongst the chaos, I fell in love. It felt like that high school love, where you were constantly filled with butterflies and your cheeks bones ached from smiling constantly. When we first crossed paths 4 years ago, we were captivated by one another. The song and dance we had for years…



Sabi Dhillon

Helping others heal their mental health, from my own experiences, with tools & guidance. Published writer for Cigar & Spirits Magazine, Mental health Youtuber.