Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

The Beauty of Embracing Mental Health

Sabi Dhillon


“There is no Perfection, only Beautiful Versions of Brokenness”

Shannon L. Adler

The broken are not weak, nor are they damaged. They pick up the pieces that have fallen and try to put on a mask that they think fits. That in itself is a massive strength, but not necessarily the right thing to do. We all wear a mask every day. Most of us suffer from some sort of mental illness, but it is viewed as something being “wrong” with us. It’s not what’s wrong with us, it’s what’s right with us. The happiest person you know could be dealing with suicidal tendencies. We all want to be seen, heard and we want to feel. I mean really feel.

There’s a version of ourselves that we want to show the world, but when we get home, we look in the mirror, and we see our true selves and are left to heal the wounds we have, often alone. Two months ago, I went to a trauma healing program for a week. I had no phone, brought the bare minimum- I was stripped of all distractions that I would use to escape my reality, the madness that is my mind. I was forced to face the ghosts of my past that haunt me. I sat down in a room full of 6 strangers and finally told my story. I felt heard for the first time in a long time; I was the most vulnerable I have ever been. In that moment, the perfect porcelain mask I had been wearing shattered into a million pieces. I saw…



Sabi Dhillon

Helping others heal their mental health, from my own experiences, with tools & guidance. Published writer for Cigar & Spirits Magazine, Mental health Youtuber.